Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No Longer Live from the HuffPost Gala

An after-party wrap-up from the very welcome warmth of our room:

*Ann could not resist marching up to Larry David and Christopher Guest, declaring herself to be their biggest fan, and shaking their hands. In return, they simply muttered "thank you." Disappointing. We were actually hoping for Emmys tickets.

*Kudos to the DJ who got a great techno groove going under Barack's "red states/white states" speech from the 2004 Democratic Convention, and who mixed samples from Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" with MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech. Made the interminable wait for the live performances more pleasant.

*Additional celebrity spottings: Jesse Jackson, Eric Schmidt of Google, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Jonathan Alter of Newsweek, Forrest Whitaker, and David Gregory of NBC. Reportedly on the scene but not seen by us: Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, and Robert DeNiro.

*Also spotted: the marvelous actress Glenn Close, who a dozen years ago sat in the front row of the Big Apple Circus on the afternoon when I was the audience member chosen to perform the Lucy-and-Harpo skit in the center ring with Bello the Clown. I thought I had greatly impressed her with my comic timing, but she never called. Too bad, Glenn, we could've torn up the screen together.

* My biggest disappointment: didn't see Kareem, whom I'm told had RSVPed.

*As we walked out into the very cold night, people was buzzing about alternatives to getting up at 6am on Inauguration Day and walking miles to Capitol Hill to stand around until the 11:30am swearing-in ceremony begins. Let's see what the morning brings.

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