Saturday, March 7, 2009

An Exclusive Club

Just read an article about "elder blogging" in a Smith Barney publication. An interesting reference in the article: "According to a 2006 study by Perseus Development Corporation of about 54 million blogs on the Internet, 160,000 are run by people 50 or older." This is one of them.

The article encourages "older bloggers" (puhleeeeze) to use the tool to maintain a virtual network. The piece focuses on "Time Goes By", created by a now-67-year-old former TV producer who lives in Maine. While I hope that "senior bloggers" (I'm still fishing for the right term) will try it out, I hope they won't become frustrated by the article's advice to use "" -- if you go there, you'll see a pretty good site that amalgamates news from sources around the world... but it's not a blogging tool. Instead, fellow Boomers, try instead... or, which I'm using.

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