Thursday, October 30, 2008

A "Taste" of Reality at the Googleplex

In September, I blogged about my visit to Google's headquarters in Silicon Valley, where I marveled at the quality of free food and drink available anywhere on campus at all hours (as well as the bikes, helmets and umbrellas by every door, and the remarkable, if slightly singeing, heated toilet seats). Well, it looks like the new economic realities have even reached the Googleplex. The New York Post reports -- at Google's New York offices, at least -- a cutback in cafe hours, the elimination of afternoon tea, and other concessions... including limits on free food for guests! I apologize to the Googlers if the fact that I was seen leaving with Power Bars and Honest Tea stuffed in my coat caused this reconsideration of policy.

1 comment:

Nickname unavailable said...

Glad to see you read the NY Post. It's the source of many blog postings so you are in good company.